Adopted by Summit County Democrats Central Committee
January 20, 2022
The Summit County Democrats enacts these Rules to establish an effective and representative Party organization, to provide a mechanism for making our political institutions responsive and accountable to the needs of citizens, and to implement the purposes of the Party. should any conflict arise between these rules and the State Party Rules, State Party Rules will take precedence to the extent required by state law. Colorado Democratic Party Plan of Organization and Rules Amended 18 November 2020 P. 43
The purposes of the Summit County Democrats are:
- To promote Democratic values as reflected in the Summit County Democrats Strategic Plan, and/or the last adopted Democratic State or National Platform;
- To stimulate participation in the political process at the grassroots level;
- To raise funds for the conduct of party operations and support Democratic candidates;
- To recruit qualified Democratic candidates for local, county, and state offices and to promote their campaigns;
- To offer the voters a choice among candidates and to encourage debate during both primary and general elections;
- To proactively engage in county-wide issues and foster consensus for comprehensive practical solutions for the benefit of our mountain community;
- To elect Democrats to public office;
- To support the Colorado Democratic Party and the National Democratic Party.
Members of the Party shall be all voters legally registered as Democrats with the Clerk and Recorder of Summit County. The Party may establish separate club memberships, i.e., the Upper Blue, Snake River, Lower Blue & Ten Mile Democrats with a dues structure, if desired.
The Summit County Democratic Party will be divided into four districts based on membership in contiguous groups of precincts. These districts are:
- Upper Blue Precincts 1 – 5, 18
- Snake River Precincts 6 – 9, 19
- Lower Blue Precincts 10 – 14, 20
- Ten Mile Precincts 15 – 17
A. OFFICERS DESIGNATED. The following Party officers shall be elected at the biennial organizational meeting of the Central Committee for a (2) year term. The Party will strive to achieve diversity of leadership among its Officers and Committee leaders.
- Chair
- First Vice-Chair
- Second Vice-Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
B. QUALIFICATIONS. All officers must be members of the Summit County Democratic Party. Membership on the Central Committee, as a Precinct Organizer, is not a requirement for serving as a Party officer.
C. DUTIES OF CHAIR. The Chair shall:
- Serve as the Executive Officer of the Party;
- Represent the Party officially and publicly as necessary;
- Preside at Central and Executive Committee meetings;
- Carry out the mandate of the Central and Executive Committees;
- Coordinate all Party activities, with the advice of the Executive Committee;
- Execute, with the Treasurer or other officers, all contract agreements and fund disbursements, as authorized by the Executive or Central Committee;
- Recruit candidates for elected office;
- Recruit election judges;
- Perform other duties as provided in the rules and regulations of the Colorado Democratic Party and in these Rules.
D. DUTIES OF VICE-CHAIRS. The Vice-Chairs shall:
- Act as liaison between County Districts and the Executive Committee;
- Assist and provide guidance to District Chairs in the performance of their duties;
- Assist the Chair in all duties;
- Preside at any meeting of the Central or Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair
- Assist in recruiting Party workers and in filling vacancies in their respective Districts;
- Perform other duties as requested by the Chair.
E. DUTIES OF SECRETARY. The Secretary shall:
- Be responsible for minutes for all Central and Executive Committee meetings;
- Maintain the minutes for standing committee meetings;
- Provide copies of minutes before the next meeting to the appropriate committee chair;
- Be responsible for distributing Party communications as requested by the Chair or as otherwise designated by these Rules;
- Keep up-to-date records of all Executive, Central and standing committee members.
F. DUTIES OF TREASURER. The Treasurer shall:
- Serve as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Party;
- Collect, handle and safeguard all funds;
- Maintain all financial records and balance all bank books;
- Prepare monthly financial statements for the Executive Committee, and for all meetings of the Central Committee. Monthly reports shall:
- Include a list of donors with contact information;
- Separate cash and in-kind donations;
- Aggregate all donations for the month; and
- Aggregate donations by donor for the year.
- Prepare and file all financial reports as required by law;
- Participate on the County Finance and Events Committee and have a vote on it;
- Prepare financial statements for distribution to all Central Committee members at least once each year;
- Prepare a proposed budget for the Party; The proposed and actual budget year-to-date shall be included in the monthly financial statements.
- Transmit required payments to the State Democratic Party;
- Pay all bills of the Party after the following conditions are met:
- The expenditures are contained in the annual budget, and are approved by the appropriate committee chair and the Treasurer; OR
- The bills are approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
- Keep committee chairs informed of the progress of the annual fund raising efforts and keep all expenditures in line with the actual money available;
- Arrange for periodic audits or reviews of Party funds in accordance with Article X, Section C.3 of these rules.
The County Chair shall appoint the Counsel, if such position is established. The County Chair shall also appoint the Chairs of any standing committees that are established. Such appointments are subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
A. COUNSEL. The Party Counsel, if established, may solicit other Party members for assistance, as necessary.
- Shall plan, organize, and operate Party fund-raising activities and shall schedule and organize other Party activities and gatherings.;
- Shall coordinate County Party participation in Democratic campaign activities.
- Shall coordinate with the Treasurer and/or the Finance Committee to ascertain the financial requirements of the County Party.
- Shall consist of the Party Secretary and such other members as appointed by the Executive Committee;
- Shall be in charge of communications within the Party;
- Shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, regular contact with key people in the local media, service groups, State Party leadership, etc;
- Shall coordinate, or cause to be coordinated, press releases and publicity with Party candidates and committees; however, the Publicity Committee will not assist candidates during contested primary elections;
- Shall publish, or cause to be published, a newsletter no less than twice each year for distribution to County Democrats.
- Shall utilize current social media to create consistent connection with party members, prospective party members and independent voters.
- The Treasurer shall be a member of the committee. The Executive Committee may appoint additional members;
- Shall advise and assist the Party Treasurer as requested in the performance of his/her duties.
- Shall consist of all Democrats who attend County Caucuses, and choose to vote on platform issues raised in precinct meetings;
- Platform issues which are approved by a majority of precinct members shall be presented at the County Assembly.
- The Platform Chair may recruit such members as may be necessary to edit, revise, and condense platform recommendation for the County Assembly.
- Recommendations approved by a majority of members present at the County Assembly shall be forwarded to the State Party.
- Shall follow County, State, and National legislative activities and report on these to the Party membership;
- Shall recommend to the Executive Committee actions and positions to be taken on behalf of the County Party;
- Shall prepare and present background information and legislative activity on major current issues.
Shall search for Democratic candidates to put forth for all local and county elected offices;
Shall coordinate with other Democratic Party organizations to seek suitable candidates for various District and State offices.
- Shall be responsible for providing interpretations of all questions or issues associated with applicability and meaning of relevant rules.
- If no Rules Committee is constituted, the Chair may appoint individuals to serve on an ad hoc basis.
- Shall be responsible for determining eligibility of all participants in applicable processes.
- If no Credentials Committee is constituted, the Chair may appoint individuals to serve on an ad hoc basis.
I. OTHER COMMITTEES: The Chair, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may appoint other ad hoc committees as may be necessary from time to time, such as a Voter Services Committee.
A vacancy shall be declared to exist when any incumbent shall resign, move from their jurisdiction, die, or be removed from their position.
A. CENTRAL COMMITTEE. A vacancy shall be filled within thirty (30) days of its occurrence by the remaining members of the central committee. The call shall be issued within ten (10) days of the occurrence of the vacancy. The Chair of the County Central Committee may be authorized to fill vacancies by proper resolution. The person selected to fill the vacancy shall be a resident of the precinct in which the vacancy occurred. CDP P.42-43
B. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. All vacancies of elected members shall be filled by the County Central Committee, if in session. If it is not in session, the County Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy who shall hold office until the next organizational meeting of the County Central Committee.
1. District Chairs. A vacancy in a District Chair position shall be filled within forty-five (45) days of its occurrence by the Precinct Organizers from the District at a meeting called for that purpose or, failing that, by the County Chair after consultation with Precinct Organizers and the approval of the Executive Committee.
C. COUNTY CHAIR. A vacancy in the Chair shall be filled within 30 days by the County Central Committee on the call of the Vice-Chair, or in the absence of the Vice-Chair, by the Secretary. The call shall be issued within 10 days of the occurrence of the vacancy.
D. PRECINCT ORGANIZERS. The Central Committee shall fill a vacancy in a precinct organizer position within thirty (30) days of its occurrence. The person selected to fill the vacancy shall be a resident of the precinct in which the vacancy exists.
- Interim Appointment. A vacancy shall be filled by the County Executive Committee as an interim appointment until the next County Central Committee meeting after the vacancy occurs.
- The County Chair, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall fill all vacancies of chairmen of standing committees or other at-large members within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of any such vacancy.
- After 30 days. If vacancies in the offices for County or other Central Committees exist for more than 30 days, the State Chair may fill the offices.
F. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The Central Committee, acting as the Vacancy Committee, shall fill vacancies occurring in the office of County Commissioner in the manner provided by State law.
G. PROCEDURE. Written notice of the vacancy existing, and the date, time and place of the meeting where the vacancy will be filled shall be given to all members of the committee charged with filling a vacancy at least ten (10) days prior to said meeting.
- Any Executive Committee member who fails to attend any two successive meetings of the Executive Committee, after having been given due notice of the time and place of such meeting, may be dropped from Committee membership, unless a satisfactory excuse is provided and accepted by a majority vote of the full committee. CDP P.42
- Any officer, any member of the County Central Committee, or member of standing or committee who fails to attend in person, or by proxy, three (3) consecutive meetings, or a total of six (6) meetings during a term of office, when properly notified may be considered to have resigned from office.
- The Secretary shall give written notice to the former officer or committee member at least five (5) days prior to the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
- At the next Executive Committee meeting, the former officer or committee member may be reinstated by a majority vote of the Committee. The former member may present in writing any reasons for the absences before the vote on reinstatement is taken. The person in question shall not be entitled to vote.
Officers of the County Central Committee may be removed for any of the following reasons, with cause for removal not limited to these reasons:
- Willful and intentional conduct in violation of these Rules.
- Aiding or supporting any political party other than the Democratic Party.
- Aiding or supporting any political candidate opposing a nominee of the Democratic Party.
- Conviction of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude.
- Failure to fulfill the responsibilities of office, failure to perform effectively the duties of office, failure to perform reasonable duties requested by the chair, the Executive Committee, or the Central Committee. CDP Pgs. 40-42
- At least 1/4 of the members of the Executive Committee or 1/5 of the members of a Central Committee must sign and submit a written petition containing a Statement of Charges to the highest ranking Central Committee officer who is not named in the petition and Statement of Charges. The Statement of Charges shall contain the grounds for removal.
- Upon receipt of the Statement of Charges, the officer in receipt shall send to the accused officer(s), by registered mail, a copy of the Statement of Charges and a letter stating that the accused officer may either resign or have a hearing, by way of motion for removal, at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the County Central Committee (CCC), or at a meeting scheduled specifically for the hearing.
- If the accused officer does not resign, the officer in receipt of the Statement of Charges shall send a copy of the Statement of Charges to all the members of the CCC, along with a notice of the CCC meeting. Such a meeting shall be called no later than 30 days from delivery of a request for a hearing by the accused officer.
- At the meeting of the CCC the accused officer shall be afforded anbopportunity to respond to the Statement of Charges. After such hearing, upon a motion for removal made by one of the signatories to the Statement of Charges, the accused officer shall be removed by a majority vote of the entire membership of the CCC.
- Any officer may appeal their removal at the next meeting of the CCC. A majority vote of the entire membership of the CCC is required to reinstate the officer(s). Any reinstated officer shall resume their office at the conclusion of the voting.
- If an officer is removed, the office shall be declared vacant and filled in the manner provided for in these rules.
- When any member of the Central Committee or Executive Committee resigns before the end of the regular term of office, the member must notify the Chair of his/her resignation in writing.
- If the Chair resigns before the end of the regular term, he/she must notify the State Chair and one of the County Vice-Chairs in writing of that resignation.
- A vacancy shall exist when the Executive Committee accepts the written notice of resignation. The vacancy shall then be filled in accordance with the provisions in these Rules. When any person has made a verbal statement of resignation, the Chair or a Vice-Chair shall request in writing that person to submit a written statement of resignation within ten (10) days. If that person does not resign in writing or if he/she does not deny his/her intent to resign in writing within ten (10) days after this request, a vacancy shall exist.
A. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year for the Summit County Democratic Committee shall be January 1 to December 31 of each year.
- By December 1st of each year, every standing and special committee shall submit to the Treasurer a proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. The Party Chair shall submit a budget for the Executive Committee.
- Each committee budget shall contain two (2) levels of expenditures and shall indicate when the money will be needed on a month-by-month basis.
- Basic Level Budget: The minimum amount the committee needs to meet legal requirements and to achieve the minimum duties established for it.
- Ideal Level: The amount the committee needs to aggressively meets its goals in the coming year.
- The Finance Committee shall review the proposed budgets and submit its recommendations and its funding commitment to the Executive Committee by January 15. If any Committee fails to submit a budget, the Finance Committee shall generate a budget based on last year, or anticipated expenses.
- The Executive Committee shall submit a final recommended budget to the Central Committee by February 15. This proposed budget shall also include the Executive Committee’s recommended fund-raising strategy.
- The Treasurer shall provide reports at each regular meeting of the Executive Committee and at all meetings of the Central Committee.
- At any time, but no less than once each year, the County Chair shall appoint a capable member of the County Party to review the records of the Treasurer to ensure the absence of any concerns with Party finances, and report to the Executive Committee on the adequacy of those records. The person selected shall not be a signatory to the bank account and shall not be a family member of the Treasurer.
- The County Chair and the Chairperson of the Finance Committee may arrange for an independent audit or review of the financial records of the Party at least biennially and report the results to the Central Committee as well as to the State Party Treasurer.
- Central Committee:
- Regular or Special Meetings. The Central Committee shall endeavor to hold regular membership meetings at least once per month. Special meetings may be called by any three (3) members of the Executive Committee or by ten (10) voting members of the Central Committee upon request to the Chair at least fourteen (14) days prior to the requested meeting to permit timely required notice of such a meeting, as provided by these Rules.
- Biennial Organizational Meeting. An organizational meeting shall be held between February 1st and 15th of odd-numbered years, as determined by the Chair.
- Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet as necessary and endeavor to hold not fewer than four (4) meetings a year as determined by the Chair, or upon the request by any three (3) members submitted to the Chair. The Executive Committee should set a schedule of regular committee meetings.
- Standing Committees. Each standing committee shall meet as deemed necessary or at the call of the Committee Chair.
- Central Committee. The secretary shall give at least ten (10) days written notice to each Central Committee member of the time and place of the biennial organizational meeting and any regular or special meetings. The notice shall contain an agenda prepared by the Chair. The notice of the biennial organizational meeting shall also contain the names of all candidates for Party office who have previously submitted a written notice of candidacy to the Chair.
- Executive and Standing Committees. The chair of the Executive Committee or any standing committee shall give at least five (5) days written or telephone notice of special meetings to each committee member, except in the case of an emergency. In the event of an emergency, the chair may give shorter notice. Executive Committee meeting notices and topics will be provided to the Central Committee. Notice of regularly scheduled meetings of standing committees need not be given.
- Precinct Caucuses, Assemblies/Conventions. The Colorado Revised Statutes and State Party Rules shall govern notice of precinct caucuses and County assemblies/conventions. CDP P.37, 50-53
- Central Committee. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings of the Central Committee, unless otherwise prescribed in these Rules or the State Party Rules.
- Executive and Standing Committees. The Executive Committee or any standing committee may adopt rules of procedure, as deemed necessary.
- Precinct Caucuses, Assemblies/Conventions. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern county assemblies and conventions, unless otherwise prescribed by these Rules or State Party Rules.
- Open Meetings. All Central Committee meetings shall be open to the public and shall be held whenever possible in public places accessible to all Party members and large enough to accommodate all interested persons.
- Voting. CDP P. 14
- Definitions :
- Open voting is a vote where an individual member’s vote may be made public and is conducted by hand raising, voice vote, signed written ballot, or electronic ballot.
- Secret voting is a vote conducted by written ballot at a caucus, such that any individual vote is not traceable to the person who voted. Processes shall be in place to ensure only qualified participants vote.
- Precinct caucus:
- At precinct caucuses, voting shall be open, by hand raising, voice vote, or written or electronic ballot. A participant in the caucus meeting may request secret balloting for any vote, in which case all ballots for that vote shall be secret. This rule cannot be suspended.
- Assemblies, conventions, central committee system and all other meetings.
- Voting shall be open by hand or credential raising, voice vote, or written or electronic ballot. Written ballots, if any, shall be signed or otherwise identifiably marked by the person voting to be valid.
- Definitions :
- Nominations. At Central Committee meetings, any candidate for Party office may be nominated from the floor. Any candidate for such office is encouraged to give advance notice of his/her candidacy to the Chair. At County assemblies and conventions, any candidate for public office shall give at least ten (10) days written notice of his candidacy the Chair. Failure to give such notice shall bar consideration of his name by the assembly or convention, unless a majority of the assembly or convention waives the requirement.
- Elections. CDP P.15
- To be elected, a candidate for any Party office must receive a majority of the total votes cast by the Central Committee for that office. If no candidate receives a majority on the first ballot, only the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be placed on the next ballot.
- Alternatively, the County Chair may choose to use rank order voting when more than two candidates compete for office.
- The Chair may chose an alternative ballot system, with the agreement of the Executive Committee.
- Tie votes shall be resolved by lots according to State Party Rules.
- The State Party Rules shall govern all other elections, including the designation of candidates for public office at County assemblies and conventions
- Electronic Meetings. Meetings of the Executive Committee or any standing committee may be conducted by means of conference telephone, similar communications, email or any other agreed upon mode of equipment by which all persons may participate in the meeting in a timely fashion. The committee chair shall make a good faith effort to notify all committee members at least five (5) days prior to the meeting, except in case of an emergency. In the event of an emergency, the chair may give less notice. CDP P.14-15
- Action by a Committee Without a Meeting/Virtual Meeting. Any action of the Executive Committee or any standing committee may be taken without a meeting if a majority committee members entitled to vote give oral, electronic mail, or other consent to the action taken. The action taken and the consent of all committee members to that action shall be noted in the minutes of the next committee meeting.
- Minority Reports. A minority report shall be presented at any meeting, assembly or convention upon a favorable vote of ten percent (10%) or more of the members or delegates present at the meeting, assembly or convention. CDP P.19
E. PROXIES A proxy is an authorization, in writing, for one person to act for, and in place of, another at a meeting of a committee. CDP P.16
- For the purpose of establishing a quorum, proxies shall be counted
- Elected public officials, however, serving on the Central Committee shall not be permitted to vote by proxy
- In the case of Precinct Organizers, the designated proxy must reside in the same precinct as the member signing the proxy.
- Officers of the Executive Committee or Chairs of any standing committee may grant a proxy to any County Party member.
- Proxies designated by County District Chairs must reside within the same district.
- If a Central Committee member is unable to attend all or any part of a meeting, he/she may designate, by signed authorization (proxy), an agent who is a County Party member.
- The use of proxies shall be subject to the following rules:
- The agent shall register the written proxy with the presiding officer
- The proxy may include full or partial instructions to the agent. To the extent the instructions do not pertain to a given vote, the proxy shall be considered uninstructed.
- No person shall exercise more than one proxy.
- The signed proxy must designate an agent by name. Blank proxies shall not be permitted. A proxy may not be reassigned to another person, if the designated agent leaves the meeting. If the agent leaves, the proxy may be exercised only as an absentee or instructed ballot.
- Proxies are not ballots and must be assigned before being counted as a vote.
- No proxy voting shall be permitted in any caucus, assembly or convention, or in any meeting related to the nominating process.
- Alternates are those elected to serve as a member in the absence of a member or officer. If an alternate is present, a County bonus member must always be replaced by an alternate. Even if the absent bonus member has sent an assigned and instructed proxy, an alternate will take precedence if present. If no alternates are present and the bonus member has sent in a proxy, the proxy can be voted instead as long as it is assigned to a Democrat from Summit County.
- Any proxy that does not comply with these Rules shall not be valid
- Central Committee Meetings. Forty percent (40%) of the total membership of the Central Committee shall constitute a quorum for any Central Committee meeting, unless otherwise provided in these Rules.
- Executive Committee Meetings. Forty percent (40%) of the total membership of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for any Executive Committee meeting.
- Standing Committee Meetings. Forty percent (40%) of the total membership of a standing committee or three (3) persons, whichever number is greater, shall constitute a quorum for any standing committee meeting.
- County Districts may determine their own quorum requirements.
- County Assemblies/Conventions. A majority of the total number of delegates, or their duly elected alternates, to an assembly or convention shall constitute a quorum.
- Quorums for precinct caucuses and meetings shall be those present.
A. PURPOSE. To stimulate interest in the political process and provide a mechanism for making our political institutions responsive to the needs of our citizens, the Party should take positions on issues or concern to the residents of Summit County.
The Party shall seek to inspire and mobilize public and Party support for its policies, whenever possible.
- The Central Committee may adopt any resolution endorsing a position on an issue proposed by a majority vote of the members in attendance and confirmed by a 2/3 favorable polling of the entire Central Committee membership. Such a resolution shall then become the official position of the Central Committee. Proposed positions on issues should be referred to the Issues/Platform Committee for study and recommendations whenever possible.
- In the event of an emergency requiring immediate action, the Executive Committee may propose for adoption any resolution endorsing a position on an issue by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members in attendance. The Chair shall then poll the Central Committee members by telephone or electronic mail concerning final adoption of said resolution. Upon approval by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire Central committee membership, such a resolution shall then become the official position of the Central Committee.
A. PURPOSE. The Party recognizes that the nomination process established by Colorado law, including the primary election, is necessary to insure that all Democrats have an opportunity to participate in the selection of their Party’s nominees. Primary election campaigns can help stimulate debate on issues, often create additional interest in the political process, and provide opportunities for new people to enter that process. Once the Party’s nominees have been selected, it should be the obligation of all Democrats to support those nominees.
The Party shall seek to include as many eligible Democrats as possible in the nomination process and insure the fairness of that process for all candidates.
B. PARTY ENDORSEMENTS PROHIBITED. Neither the Central Committee nor Executive Committee acting as a body shall endorse any candidate for public office in a contested Democratic primary election
C. ENDORSEMENTS BY CENTRAL or EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS. In a primary contest, as described above, Central or Executive Committee members shall not use their Party office or title in the public support of any candidate, but may participate in a campaign as individuals.
The rules and guidelines of the Colorado and National Democratic Parties shall be used as a basis for affirmative action policy in the Party.
If any section of these Rules is held to violate the Election Code of the State of Colorado or the Rules of the Colorado or National Democratic Parties, such decision shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining sections of these Rules or its application to other persons or circumstances.
A. These Rules may be altered or amended by two-thirds (2/3) of those voting at any meeting of the Central Committee, when at least ten (10) days prior notice of such proposed changes has been given to the members of the Committee.
B. These Rules may be amended before the first Monday in February of even numbered years, according to Colorado Democratic Party Rules.
C. Any proposed changes shall be consistent with Colorado Democratic Party rules, the charter and by-laws of the Democratic National Committee or any applicable state or federal statutes.
D. Any procedure which is not prescribed in or governed by these rules shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.